Monk Lunch & Learn

Nina Wieczorek
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2023


Learn the future of the AI-driven cloud with Monk X, the new AI DevOps.

Bring Monk workshops to your peer group or workplace!

Is your DevOps team already using AI tools like GitHub Copilot? If so, they will love Monk X. Monk X is an AI DevOps autonomous agent that takes your app straight from the source and runs it in the cloud.

After refining our training workshops in a series of pop-ups across Europe and the US, we’re now hosting Lunch & Learns by request for teams. These workshops are a remote lunch-and-learn experience that grants full access to Monk X, which is currently in invite only.

Why you want to be there

In the near future, every developer will be a cloud developer. Learn from Monk’s cofounders about real AI DevOps (beyond the hype) and which upskills will future-proof your career.

In each workshop, you’ll experiment with the Monk GUI and the Monk’s AI DevOps Agent. The app we’ll deploy was chosen because it has multiple components. You and your team will dive into new deployment trends, working to deploy a multi-cloud sample application and its supportive infrastructure via Monk’s GUI and AI DevOps agent. You’ll learn to monitor the status, success, and necessary modifications to your deployment. There will also be time in each workshop where you will be given the opportunity to confound and confuse our tools, so that we can improve their implementation.

Attendees can choose between doing a single cloud or a multi-cloud deployment. As an engineer, you’ll walk through the deployment of a sample app, understand associated deployment metrics, and master the art of viewing deployment state and troubleshooting failed deployments.

What we’ll cover

The workshop format starts with a technical deep-dive by our co-founders, followed with an open floor Q&A session and a hands-on lab workshop.

A typical agenda looks like this:

  • Quick set up: Introduction / Account set up
  • Your first application deployment with Monk X!
  • Q&A
  • Hands on with the Agent: AI DevOps deploy and management (including invite-only sneak peeks)
  • Time to break and test your deployments
  • Environment clean up.

How to book a Lunch & Learn workshop

To book a workshop, fill out the Typeform. We are planning to hold sessions daily and can accommodate various time zones. Time slots will be scheduled around your availability.

We will prioritize applications that are complete and teams that are already using our GUI and CLI without AI competent.

Join us as we pioneer a new era of cloud engineering. ☁️

